Table of Contents Schema quick view International schema information Language-independent schema details Language-specific schema details English Schema SAIDs Name : ventilation_tie_stall Description : Ventilation data recorded every 15 minutes on sensors spread across the Tie Stall Housing. Classification : RDF402 Author : Michelle Edwards Author Email :
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Schema quick view Attribute Label Description date Date Date measures were taken inside_co2 Inside CO2 CO2 inside the barn inside_rh Inside Relative Humidity Relative Humidity inside the barn inside_temp_celcius Inside Temperature in Celcius Temperature inside the barn inside_temp_sensor_n Inside Temperature Sensor Number Number of sensor that measures temperature inside the barn outside_rh Outside Relative Humidity Relative Humidity outside the barn outside_temp_celcius Outside Temperature in Celcius Temperature outside the barn outside_windspeed_metres_per_sec Outside Windspeed in Metres per Second Windspeed outside the barn time Time Time measures were taken
Language Name Description English ventilation_tie_stall Ventilation data recorded every 15 minutes on sensors spread across the Tie Stall Housing.
Language-independent schema details Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding date false DateTime utf-8 inside_co2 false Numeric utf-8 inside_rh false Numeric utf-8 inside_temp_celcius false Numeric utf-8 inside_temp_sensor_n false Numeric utf-8 outside_rh false Numeric utf-8 outside_temp_celcius false Numeric utf-8 outside_windspeed_metres_per_sec false Numeric utf-8 time false DateTime utf-8
Language-specific schema details English Attribute Label Description List date Date Date measures were taken Not a list inside_co2 Inside CO2 CO2 inside the barn Not a list inside_rh Inside Relative Humidity Relative Humidity inside the barn Not a list inside_temp_celcius Inside Temperature in Celcius Temperature inside the barn Not a list inside_temp_sensor_n Inside Temperature Sensor Number Number of sensor that measures temperature inside the barn Not a list outside_rh Outside Relative Humidity Relative Humidity outside the barn Not a list outside_temp_celcius Outside Temperature in Celcius Temperature outside the barn Not a list outside_windspeed_metres_per_sec Outside Windspeed in Metres per Second Windspeed outside the barn Not a list time Time Time measures were taken Not a list
Schema SAIDs Capture base : EdwRyEtXZyYouekP2dU4PxNmfK7nzr877mRcxShs4moU
Layer SAID character_encoding Ey12soHXB_v88LRtHKVwYYSbu8msTpLFlYFgR1Tlo1rY information (en) EoQHEcPB-WTu5zI3RxxhcbMhiPVb0xRxeFiwOWZq5hUY label (en) ETmvoVGy0uE1kqIe5jeV-pQItajAVn7xvQtAnTLWYYNs meta (en) EyOi9MTeUDj2iqy7Uorn3Om3-TxdvE5Kf-ztJZ1M7XnE
Date created : 2024-12-03 15:16:59