Schema information

Table of Contents

  1. Schema quick view
  2. International schema information
  3. Language-independent schema details
  4. Language-specific schema details
    1. English
  5. Schema SAIDs

Name: ventilation_nursery_2
Description: Ventilation data recorded every 15 minutes on sensors spread inside Nursery 202.
Classification: RDF402
Author: Michelle Edwards
Author Email:

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Schema quick view

Attribute Label Description
date Date Date measures were taken
inside_temp_celcius Inside Temperature in Celcius Temperature inside the barn
inside_temp_sensor_n Inside Temperature Sensor Number Number of sensor that measures temperature inside the barn
time Time Time measures were taken

International schema information

Language Name Description
English ventilation_nursery_2 Ventilation data recorded every 15 minutes on sensors spread inside Nursery 202.

Language-independent schema details

Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding
date false   DateTime utf-8
inside_temp_celcius false   Numeric utf-8
inside_temp_sensor_n false   Numeric utf-8
time false   DateTime utf-8

Language-specific schema details


Attribute Label Description List
date Date Date measures were taken Not a list
inside_temp_celcius Inside Temperature in Celcius Temperature inside the barn Not a list
inside_temp_sensor_n Inside Temperature Sensor Number Number of sensor that measures temperature inside the barn Not a list
time Time Time measures were taken Not a list

Schema SAIDs

Capture base: Eoy7k7ZV-ZWqblz1g8x9N7NjlbjXeSSQs8ns3rhx0eoc

Layer SAID
character_encoding EyUp0MTKLxv2_E1-PnEQJuzQQeAeUPOAM2gFq_WvhWDw
information (en) EJYNWC5D1JVGwCecp2O0g9MnKZw-Kpx9yako1nZt0cug
label (en) E2Kjvn5DPRrrvuDCheX-5VEHMUn98GD4bOrfzIsyU-0I
meta (en) EMOw1YbO_xr-88tkvrC0l9BdfZPwEOgSDDYUVplkLRSk

Date created: 2024-12-03 15:16:16