Schema information

Table of Contents

  1. Schema quick view
  2. International schema information
  3. Language-independent schema details
  4. Language-specific schema details
    1. English
  5. Schema SAIDs

Name: conformation_weight
Description: Body Weight collected on a walk-over scale placed at the exit of the Milking Parlour. Data collection normally happens after milkings (AM or PM), after foot bath (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons) or at another time when animals are individually brought to the walk-over scale.
Classification: RDF402
Author: Michelle Edwards
Author Email:

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Schema quick view

Attribute Label Description
animal_id   Farm-level unique animal ID
collection_moment   Moment the body weight was measured (Heifer Scale, during milking time or another time between 8AM and 4PM, including foot bath)
date   Date the animal’s RFID was read when passing through the BCS camera
dim   Number of days in milk when measure was taken
lact_n   Lactation number when measure was taken
session_n   Session number. 1 = AM, 2 = PM
source   Source/Location of the walk-over full-body scale (Parlour or Heifer Barn)
source_id   Source ID. 1 = Parlour, 2 = Foot bath or other, 3 = Heifer barn
time   Time the animal’s RFID was read when passing through the BCS camera
weight   Weight of the animal measured while it walks over a the scale

International schema information

Language Name Description
English conformation_weight Body Weight collected on a walk-over scale placed at the exit of the Milking Parlour. Data collection normally happens after milkings (AM or PM), after foot bath (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons) or at another time when animals are individually brought to the walk-over scale.

Language-independent schema details

Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding
animal_id false   Numeric utf-8
collection_moment false   Text utf-8
date false   DateTime utf-8
dim false   Numeric utf-8
lact_n false   Numeric utf-8
session_n false   Numeric utf-8
source false   Text utf-8
source_id false   Numeric utf-8
time false   DateTime utf-8
weight false   Numeric utf-8

Language-specific schema details


Attribute Label Description List
animal_id   Farm-level unique animal ID Not a list
collection_moment   Moment the body weight was measured (Heifer Scale, during milking time or another time between 8AM and 4PM, including foot bath) Not a list
date   Date the animal’s RFID was read when passing through the BCS camera Not a list
dim   Number of days in milk when measure was taken Not a list
lact_n   Lactation number when measure was taken Not a list
session_n   Session number. 1 = AM, 2 = PM Not a list
source   Source/Location of the walk-over full-body scale (Parlour or Heifer Barn) Not a list
source_id   Source ID. 1 = Parlour, 2 = Foot bath or other, 3 = Heifer barn Not a list
time   Time the animal’s RFID was read when passing through the BCS camera Not a list
weight   Weight of the animal measured while it walks over a the scale Not a list

Schema SAIDs

Capture base: EOyAi0wGIt_pmJUhTHVi2e9fbEZeJRezPpnTv44MApuM

Layer SAID
character_encoding EMMZFSPWodCmJFnFWNdf3MPI-yAC3oGoYj_3BxefNNWY
information (en) EyFCN4d86e9qqC1R6wbMKADkJWu2lv-E9ae9-RvJhTmM
label (en) EmasdAVplYtpbTZ039IJH1qTbh4RCd3SkoB0-IZp_zWQ
meta (en) EDuK0y5mPbqNcpLp35Vm7zSQuF4rPOUexdNt-JonlX9Y

Date created: 2024-12-03 15:12:42