Schema information

Table of Contents

  1. Schema quick view
  2. International schema information
  3. Language-independent schema details
  4. Language-specific schema details
    1. English
  5. Schema SAIDs

Name: feed_insentec_vr
Description: Raw data from Insentec’s daily VR files. Every time a cow or heifer visits an Insentec bin from pens 405 to 408 or 301 to 303, a record is created. Therefore, each file has all visits made by all animals to all bins on a given day. These files are appended to this table every day.
Classification: RDF402
Author: Michelle Edwards
Author Email:

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Schema quick view

Attribute Label Description
animal_id Animal ID Farm-level unique animal ID
bin_id Bin ID Feed bin ID
date Date Date the animal’s RFID was read at the beginning of visit
diet Diet Diet inside of the feed bin. Animal-specific diets are named after the respective animal’s number
duration_sec Duration in Seconds Duration of the visit
end_time End Time Time the animal’s RFID was read at the end of visit
end_weight_kg End Weight in Kilograms Weight of the feed bin at the end of visit
intake Intake in Kilograms Difference between end_weight and start_weight
start_time Start Time Time the animal’s RFID was read at the beginning of visit
start_weight_kg Start Weight in Kilograms Weight of the feed bin at the beginning of visit
transponder_id Transponder ID RFID from animal tag

International schema information

Language Name Description
English feed_insentec_vr Raw data from Insentec’s daily VR files. Every time a cow or heifer visits an Insentec bin from pens 405 to 408 or 301 to 303, a record is created. Therefore, each file has all visits made by all animals to all bins on a given day. These files are appended to this table every day.

Language-independent schema details

Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding
animal_id false   Numeric utf-8
bin_id false   Numeric utf-8
date false   DateTime utf-8
diet false   Text utf-8
duration_sec false   DateTime utf-8
end_time false   DateTime utf-8
end_weight_kg false   Numeric utf-8
intake false   Numeric utf-8
start_time false   DateTime utf-8
start_weight_kg false   Numeric utf-8
transponder_id false   Numeric utf-8

Language-specific schema details


Attribute Label Description List
animal_id Animal ID Farm-level unique animal ID Not a list
bin_id Bin ID Feed bin ID Not a list
date Date Date the animal’s RFID was read at the beginning of visit Not a list
diet Diet Diet inside of the feed bin. Animal-specific diets are named after the respective animal’s number Not a list
duration_sec Duration in Seconds Duration of the visit Not a list
end_time End Time Time the animal’s RFID was read at the end of visit Not a list
end_weight_kg End Weight in Kilograms Weight of the feed bin at the end of visit Not a list
intake Intake in Kilograms Difference between end_weight and start_weight Not a list
start_time Start Time Time the animal’s RFID was read at the beginning of visit Not a list
start_weight_kg Start Weight in Kilograms Weight of the feed bin at the beginning of visit Not a list
transponder_id Transponder ID RFID from animal tag Not a list

Schema SAIDs

Capture base: EY2MstiQAo9N8bZrz8npN_zA8F6HGpTkFmFshS1ysNfM

Layer SAID
character_encoding EXWBr-JHBxqtGGRXgutiYmnSFkCXM6nvgblbq-JxnYbc
information (en) E5sppV_lbhyLlPSaAjLVTfia7gikuV_zW5FfOR66ewBQ
label (en) E9iJtJ69QSIO5KsH3Oi08Ovy3ozak8coq879cqUneDTg
meta (en) ETjVR7b3OyOhySAc4fnOQr7HP5MyI-buGlBUvWTJaMIw

Date created: 2024-12-03 15:13:56