Table of Contents
- Schema quick view
- International schema information
- Language-independent schema details
- Language-specific schema details
- English
- Schema SAIDs
Name: sensor_rumination_scr
Description: Rumination Sensor data from Allflex/Heatime system (SCR)
Classification: RDF402
Author: Michelle Edwards
Author Email:
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Schema quick view
Attribute | Label | Description |
allflex_tag | AllFlex Tag | RFID from Allflex sensor |
animal_id | Animal ID | Farm-level unique animal ID |
avg_rum_change_within_herd | Average Rumination Change Within Herd | Average rumination change relative to herd |
avg_rum_change_within_pen | Average Rumination Change Within Pen | Average rumination change relative to pen |
date | Date | Date activity was measured |
pen | Pen Number | Pen number |
raw_rumination | Raw Rumination | Number of minutes the animal ruminated in the past 2 hours |
rum_deviation | Rumination Deviation | Rumination deviation |
time | Time | Last hour activity was received |
total_rum_last_24h | Total Rumination in Last 24 Hours | Number of minutes the animal ruminated in the past 24 hours |
weighted_rum_change | Weighted Rumination Chanfe | Weighted rumination change |
Language | Name | Description |
English | sensor_rumination_scr | Rumination Sensor data from Allflex/Heatime system (SCR) |
Language-independent schema details
Attribute | Sensitive | Unit | Type | Character encoding |
allflex_tag | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
animal_id | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
avg_rum_change_within_herd | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
avg_rum_change_within_pen | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
date | false | | DateTime | utf-8 |
pen | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
raw_rumination | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
rum_deviation | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
time | false | | DateTime | utf-8 |
total_rum_last_24h | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
weighted_rum_change | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
Language-specific schema details
Attribute | Label | Description | List |
allflex_tag | AllFlex Tag | RFID from Allflex sensor | Not a list |
animal_id | Animal ID | Farm-level unique animal ID | Not a list |
avg_rum_change_within_herd | Average Rumination Change Within Herd | Average rumination change relative to herd | Not a list |
avg_rum_change_within_pen | Average Rumination Change Within Pen | Average rumination change relative to pen | Not a list |
date | Date | Date activity was measured | Not a list |
pen | Pen Number | Pen number | Not a list |
raw_rumination | Raw Rumination | Number of minutes the animal ruminated in the past 2 hours | Not a list |
rum_deviation | Rumination Deviation | Rumination deviation | Not a list |
time | Time | Last hour activity was received | Not a list |
total_rum_last_24h | Total Rumination in Last 24 Hours | Number of minutes the animal ruminated in the past 24 hours | Not a list |
weighted_rum_change | Weighted Rumination Chanfe | Weighted rumination change | Not a list |
Schema SAIDs
Capture base: EkLFcmidJNRuUZ6oOV5_pF2WXOEJhdGheWaDbFPR4MTw
Layer | SAID |
character_encoding | EW3mQBAKZmNFZyiDG43xNPFdU3WWvJTsAOwOG6khFTYo |
information (en) | EdD6DUDujoOwTUQfGL3ZOwJrHOl0b0zWjBSuLafW7-8k |
label (en) | EnFGO75wp5Q-3nCYE4yDZMS5Ymrd5M0Bv0AC2BapnAHU |
meta (en) | EeY9PefelDc_TPESzUiLo82roVqHzrTxhgiHJ52NlKu4 |
Date created: 2024-12-03 15:15:31