Table of Contents
- Schema quick view
- International schema information
- Language-independent schema details
- Language-specific schema details
- English
- Schema SAIDs
Name: event_animal_deaths
Description: Animal death dates and diagnosis
Classification: RDF402
Author: Michelle Edwards
Author Email:
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Schema quick view
Attribute | Label | Description |
date | Date | Date animal died |
death_diagnosis | Death diagnosis | Death diagnosis |
herdtrax_id | Herdtrax ID | Herdtrax’s internal Animal ID |
oid | Record ID | Internal database record ID |
Language | Name | Description |
English | event_animal_deaths | Animal death dates and diagnosis |
Language-independent schema details
Attribute | Sensitive | Unit | Type | Character encoding |
date | false | | DateTime | utf-8 |
death_diagnosis | false | | Text | utf-8 |
herdtrax_id | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
oid | false | | Numeric | utf-8 |
Language-specific schema details
Attribute | Label | Description | List |
date | Date | Date animal died | Not a list |
death_diagnosis | Death diagnosis | Death diagnosis | Not a list |
herdtrax_id | Herdtrax ID | Herdtrax’s internal Animal ID | Not a list |
oid | Record ID | Internal database record ID | Not a list |
Schema SAIDs
Capture base: E_iqXyWzZEnPvhozqtxm6YXaujTMK8Or9QzAkfCtTvZU
Layer | SAID |
character_encoding | EGuM9nPKW1WmUDXiALpTjRsckuYiZXcOyFGcH7XNVJ2I |
information (en) | E1quHlnWYWqJnPanCRm6ENwjptZUeLrL_tCQUAIIOq2k |
label (en) | EqrPd7DKL5dp9eu7Ufg8jVm8R7l3h6Hy4gXlyR8oKmOM |
meta (en) | EfLEek44mrliaLQUNV520lmcGq84XxGQjyVzlWqxvBdg |
Date created: 2024-12-03 15:19:00