Schema information

Table of Contents

  1. Schema quick view
  2. International schema information
  3. Language-independent schema details
  4. Language-specific schema details
    1. English
  5. Schema SAIDs

Name: milk_dhi
Description: Results from DHI analysis on test-day samples
Classification: RDF402
Author: Michelle Edwards
Author Email:

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Schema quick view

Attribute Label Description
animal_id Animal ID Farm-level unique animal ID
date Date Milk sampling date
dim Days in Milk Number of days into current lactation at the time of the event. For dry cows, total days in most recent lactation including while dry.
ecm Energy-corrected Milk Energy-corrected milk (ECM) determines the amount of milk produced adjusted to 3.5% butterfat and 3.2% protein (in L)
lact_n Lactation Number Lactation number on the day of sampling
ls Linear Score SCC Linear score is a base 2 log transformation of SCC. The converted linear scores have a direct or straight-line relationship with milk yield.
milk Milk Yield Litres of milk produced on the day of sampling
milk_305 Milk 305 Projected milk yield for a 305-day lactation period
mun Milk Urea Nitrogen Milk urea nitrogen (MUN) in testday sample. The amount of MUN in the milk (in mg/dl).
pctf Fat Percentage Milkfat percentage of total milk weight in test day sample
pctp Protein Percentage Protein percentage of total milk weight in test day sample
pos Barn Position Barn position when sampled (innacurate - to be discontinued)
relv Relative Milk 305 The percentage of the test day milk sample’s 305ME Milk value normalized to the Herd Average 305ME Milk for that testday. 100% if 305ME Milk result is exactly the herd average for 305ME milk.
scc Somatic Cell Count Somatic cell count in the test day sample (x1000 cells/mL).

International schema information

Language Name Description
English milk_dhi Results from DHI analysis on test-day samples

Language-independent schema details

Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding
animal_id false   Numeric utf-8
date false   DateTime utf-8
dim false   Numeric utf-8
ecm false   Numeric utf-8
lact_n false   Numeric utf-8
ls false   Numeric utf-8
milk false   Numeric utf-8
milk_305 false   Numeric utf-8
mun false   Numeric utf-8
pctf false   Numeric utf-8
pctp false   Numeric utf-8
pos false   Numeric utf-8
relv false   Numeric utf-8
scc false   Numeric utf-8

Language-specific schema details


Attribute Label Description List
animal_id Animal ID Farm-level unique animal ID Not a list
date Date Milk sampling date Not a list
dim Days in Milk Number of days into current lactation at the time of the event. For dry cows, total days in most recent lactation including while dry. Not a list
ecm Energy-corrected Milk Energy-corrected milk (ECM) determines the amount of milk produced adjusted to 3.5% butterfat and 3.2% protein (in L) Not a list
lact_n Lactation Number Lactation number on the day of sampling Not a list
ls Linear Score SCC Linear score is a base 2 log transformation of SCC. The converted linear scores have a direct or straight-line relationship with milk yield. Not a list
milk Milk Yield Litres of milk produced on the day of sampling Not a list
milk_305 Milk 305 Projected milk yield for a 305-day lactation period Not a list
mun Milk Urea Nitrogen Milk urea nitrogen (MUN) in testday sample. The amount of MUN in the milk (in mg/dl). Not a list
pctf Fat Percentage Milkfat percentage of total milk weight in test day sample Not a list
pctp Protein Percentage Protein percentage of total milk weight in test day sample Not a list
pos Barn Position Barn position when sampled (innacurate - to be discontinued) Not a list
relv Relative Milk 305 The percentage of the test day milk sample’s 305ME Milk value normalized to the Herd Average 305ME Milk for that testday. 100% if 305ME Milk result is exactly the herd average for 305ME milk. Not a list
scc Somatic Cell Count Somatic cell count in the test day sample (x1000 cells/mL). Not a list

Schema SAIDs

Capture base: EO7a7u0Iy1PUWVSYtzUxh7G9bKwMEr_0OIFVqp-18gyU

Layer SAID
character_encoding EW8L2uiJ5cYRCQ89gcZGc2K69HdNx12trVBEDHCVtK40
information (en) EdjaH2S1BILLcVBJoj1jcm27a2fxjKG8voECaObqkaPs
label (en) EHVxsKfTwgGgJMIxwo061s-ZiFkiE6wWJiXEuHHR8V-8
meta (en) EtnjPCBjt9seUr7ujEX-peN0AHJC6X5OkmUPhk0ntwXc

Date created: 2024-12-03 15:14:30