Table of Contents Schema quick view International schema information Language-independent schema details Language-specific schema details English Schema SAIDs Name : milk_aggregation Description : Aggregated data from all milking sources (Rotary Parlour, Voluntary Milking System, Tie Stalls and Maternity). Only columns in common across all sources are available. Classification : RDF402 Author : Michelle Edwards Author Email :
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Schema quick view Attribute Label Description animal_id Animal ID Farm-level animal ID begin_time Begin time Milking start time date Date Milking start date dim Days in milk Days in milk duration Milking duration Milking duration end_date End date Milking end date end_time End time Milking end time lact_n Lactation Number Lactation number milking_location Milking Location Milking location session_n Session number Milking session number total_yield Total Yield Total milk yield
Language Name Description English milk_aggregation Aggregated data from all milking sources (Rotary Parlour, Voluntary Milking System, Tie Stalls and Maternity). Only columns in common across all sources are available.
Language-independent schema details Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding animal_id false Numeric utf-8 begin_time false DateTime utf-8 date false DateTime utf-8 dim false Numeric utf-8 duration false DateTime utf-8 end_date false DateTime utf-8 end_time false DateTime utf-8 lact_n false Numeric utf-8 milking_location false Text utf-8 session_n false Numeric utf-8 total_yield false Numeric utf-8
Language-specific schema details English Attribute Label Description List animal_id Animal ID Farm-level animal ID Not a list begin_time Begin time Milking start time Not a list date Date Milking start date Not a list dim Days in milk Days in milk Not a list duration Milking duration Milking duration Not a list end_date End date Milking end date Not a list end_time End time Milking end time Not a list lact_n Lactation Number Lactation number Not a list milking_location Milking Location Milking location Not a list session_n Session number Milking session number Not a list total_yield Total Yield Total milk yield Not a list
Schema SAIDs Capture base : EqQmP4LV1yDclJRd0MkPXlaM0yQM5vZIODWbCsdqOsxk
Layer SAID character_encoding E5A4w8i2FrqQ1yN9G709S_yZrZfRNVCERJPeuy2FQeFc information (en) ELcz1W0O0GmeA6YDEf2029cX79rQ-5MPvIMdXkxiLvL0 label (en) E72_RMR1O96eIrtDhiYWSTZFelPo6dIBsZXL_1iiEYKs meta (en) EYUSdbqd4nnyKdlm-qtBOCdjZRMVstA7L_QuviDDGB28
Date created : 2024-12-03 15:14:18