Schema information

Table of Contents

  1. Schema quick view
  2. International schema information
  3. Language-independent schema details
  4. Language-specific schema details
    1. English
  5. Schema SAIDs

Name: event_treatments
Description: Disease diagnosis and treatments
Author: Michelle Edwards
Author Email:

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Schema quick view

Attribute Label Description
body_weight Body Weight Body weight at time of treatment. Not all treatments have a body weight measured, but Herdtrax requires a body weight for every entry, therefore 1000 and 2000 are entered when body weights were not measured.
date Date Treatment or diagnosis date
diagnosis Diagnosis Diagnosis
diagnosis_occurence Diagnosis Occurence Occurence number of the same diagnosis for a given animal. Incremented by one for each consecutive occurence.
event_id Event ID Herdtrax’s internal event ID
herdtrax_id Herdtrax ID Herdtrax’s internal Animal ID
oid Record ID Internal database record ID
protocol Protocol Treament/drug protocol
quantity Quantity Treament/drug quantity
route Route Treament/drug route
temperature Temperature Temperature at time of treatment
treatment Treatment Treament/drug administered
unit Unit Treament/drug unit
withdrawal_date Withdrawal Date Meat withdrawal date

International schema information

Language Name Description
English event_treatments Disease diagnosis and treatments

Language-independent schema details

Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding
body_weight false Kilogram Numeric utf-8
date false   DateTime utf-8
diagnosis false   Text utf-8
diagnosis_occurence false   Text utf-8
event_id false   Numeric utf-8
herdtrax_id false   Numeric utf-8
oid false   Numeric utf-8
protocol false   Text utf-8
quantity false   Numeric utf-8
route false   Text utf-8
temperature false Celcius Numeric utf-8
treatment false   Text utf-8
unit false   Text utf-8
withdrawal_date false   DateTime utf-8

Language-specific schema details


Attribute Label Description List
body_weight Body Weight Body weight at time of treatment. Not all treatments have a body weight measured, but Herdtrax requires a body weight for every entry, therefore 1000 and 2000 are entered when body weights were not measured. Not a list
date Date Treatment or diagnosis date Not a list
diagnosis Diagnosis Diagnosis Not a list
diagnosis_occurence Diagnosis Occurence Occurence number of the same diagnosis for a given animal. Incremented by one for each consecutive occurence. Not a list
event_id Event ID Herdtrax’s internal event ID Not a list
herdtrax_id Herdtrax ID Herdtrax’s internal Animal ID Not a list
oid Record ID Internal database record ID Not a list
protocol Protocol Treament/drug protocol Not a list
quantity Quantity Treament/drug quantity Not a list
route Route Treament/drug route Not a list
temperature Temperature Temperature at time of treatment Not a list
treatment Treatment Treament/drug administered Not a list
unit Unit Treament/drug unit Not a list
withdrawal_date Withdrawal Date Meat withdrawal date Not a list

Schema SAIDs

Capture base: EspW9l41AzMsYRZEI9lMwvku52SS0X81HrnGHPUmbkLQ

Layer SAID
character_encoding EcaYG7tOokl2r2dNAW7TNxRr3bvacSHDkcT7VaZrcRGw
information (en) Ejr0UiAWsJyma-sc4HwE5wcMP8vwfpOPJj5FLdvtePnM
label (en) E7gn7OrGn7tCJdCqOtOU2yPPfYb36WInKOtlKc2kNV9Q
meta (en) Ehhy0zY7kSS4RiZU-h8DoMq73n5ETDB9ohTQQo2qNM-c
unit EMbPz1wgPazMexfmCHN9eGGQ0NPoVCXSeXwJ-BDTtp18

Date created: 2024-12-03 15:20:10