Schema information

Table of Contents

  1. Schema quick view
  2. International schema information
  3. Language-independent schema details
  4. Language-specific schema details
    1. English
  5. Schema SAIDs

Name: feed_aggregation
Description: Aggregated daily feed intakes for animals fed at the maternity & tie stalls and from Insentec bins. Daily intakes for Insentec data is the sum of all positive intakes per animal per day using data from the Insentec (FR) table. Please refer to the description of such table to learn how Insentec data was pre-treated.
Classification: RDF402
Author: Michelle Edwards
Author Email:

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Schema quick view

Attribute Label Description
animal_id Animal ID Farm-level animal ID
date Date Date animal ate (Insentec) or was offered feed (maternity and tie stalls)
feed_carts_intake Feed Cart Intake Total intake from animal fed with the feed carts (Super Data Ranger and Orts carts). If null, animal was not at maternity/tie stalls or did not eat while there
insentec_intake Insentec Intake Sum of all positive intakes per animal per day using data from the Insentec (FR) table. If null, animal was not at a pen with an Insentec bin, or did not eat from an Insentec bin while there
total_intake Total Intake Sum of insentec_intake and feed_carts_intake

International schema information

Language Name Description
English feed_aggregation Aggregated daily feed intakes for animals fed at the maternity & tie stalls and from Insentec bins. Daily intakes for Insentec data is the sum of all positive intakes per animal per day using data from the Insentec (FR) table. Please refer to the description of such table to learn how Insentec data was pre-treated.

Language-independent schema details

Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding
animal_id false   Numeric utf-8
date false   DateTime utf-8
feed_carts_intake false   Numeric utf-8
insentec_intake false   Numeric utf-8
total_intake false   Numeric utf-8

Language-specific schema details


Attribute Label Description List
animal_id Animal ID Farm-level animal ID Not a list
date Date Date animal ate (Insentec) or was offered feed (maternity and tie stalls) Not a list
feed_carts_intake Feed Cart Intake Total intake from animal fed with the feed carts (Super Data Ranger and Orts carts). If null, animal was not at maternity/tie stalls or did not eat while there Not a list
insentec_intake Insentec Intake Sum of all positive intakes per animal per day using data from the Insentec (FR) table. If null, animal was not at a pen with an Insentec bin, or did not eat from an Insentec bin while there Not a list
total_intake Total Intake Sum of insentec_intake and feed_carts_intake Not a list

Schema SAIDs

Capture base: EjWfUPCYvCyum7G7LdxYKRcbM0e6Tr–ds9BLLODyUAA

Layer SAID
character_encoding E4s451cmAst2Q3AbLmvShGz36cC4g9VSAZUJmLEH1Xng
information (en) EFiDsgKmUnUM6Ij2yZq9exRUjhCwHU7C-2glQsFYLtJw
label (en) EC9HEBGl-Jt4Osr4K_xGY8e4zycDCjn3BuJx9xU1PvZA
meta (en) EYNYyWOwO8yenZcj89GGiBSG2AEl9Tw32f9nDvzgvW1I

Date created: 2024-12-03 15:12:53