Schema information
Table of Contents
- Schema quick view
- International schema information
- Language-independent schema details
- Language-specific schema details
- Schema SAIDs
Name: Climate Change Driven Agricultural Frontiers and Non-Frontiers
Author: Krishna KC
Author Email:
Schema quick view
Attribute | Label | Description |
% Cropland | Percent cropland threshold | This threshold indicates the minimum amount of cropland in a cell to be considered “cropland”. It was used for a cropland layer that was not binary. Ex. 5% cropland indicates that at least 5% of each cell contains cropland. |
% Suitability | Percent suitability threshold | This threshold indicates the minimum value of a cell to be considered “suitable”. It was used for FAO suitability data that were not binary. Ex. 5% suitability indicates that at least 5% of each cell contains suitable land for a crop. |
Al | Alfalfa | Abbreviation for Alfalfa |
Bn | Banana | Abbreviation for Banana |
Br | Barley | Abbreviation for Barley |
CE_%Crop% | Current exclusion layer | Exclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents suitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop for the current time period (2011-2040) |
CI_%Crop% | Current inclusion layer | Inclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents suitable area for a specific crop for the current time period (2011-2040) |
CU | Current | Time period of 2011-2040 |
CU_%crop%_AgFr | Current single-crop agricultural frontiers | Area that is considered suitable for a certain crop in the current time period (2011-2040) and is not currently under agriculture |
CU_%crop%_NonFr | Current single-crop agricultural non-frontiers | Area that is currently harvested for a certain crop, but will no longer be suitable in the current time period (2011-2040) |
CU_Bin_AgFr | Current binary agricultural frontiers | Binary layer of all current frontiers |
CU_Pure_NonFr | Pure current non-frontiers | Cumulative area of current non-frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers |
Cf | Coffee | Abbreviation for Coffee |
Co | Cocoa | Abbreviation for Cocoa |
Cumul_CU_AgFr | Current cumulative agricultural frontiers | Mosaic layer of all current single-crop frontiers. Value indicates the number of crops which have a current frontier in each cell |
Cumul_EM_AgFr | Emerging cumulative agricultural frontiers | Mosaic layer of all emerging single-crop frontiers. Value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell |
EM | Emerging | Time period of 2071-2100 |
EM_%crop%_AgFr | Emerging single-crop agricultural frontiers | Area that is considered suitable for a certain crop in the emerging time period (2071-2100), is not currently under agriculture, and is not suitable in the current time period (2011-2040) |
EM_%crop%_NonFr | Emerging single-crop agricultural non-frontiers | Area that is currently harvested for a certain crop, but will no longer be suitable in the emerging time period (2071-2100) |
EM_Bin_AgFr | Emerging binary agricultural frontiers | Binary layer of all emerging frontiers |
EM_Pure_NonFr | Pure emerging non-frontiers | Cumulative area of emerging non-frontiers that does not overlap with any emerging frontiers |
FE_%Crop% | Future exclusion layer | Exclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents suitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop for the emerging time period (2071-2100) |
FI_%Crop% | Future inclusion layer | Inclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents suitable area for a specific crop for the emerging time period (2071-2100) |
Fm | Foxtail Millet | Abbreviation for Foxtail Millet |
Fx | :Flax | Abbreviation for Flax |
Mt | Millet | Abbreviation for Millet |
Mz | Maize | Abbreviation for Maize |
PuCU_Binary | Pure current frontiers (binary) | Cumulative area of current frontiers that does not overlap with any emerging frontiers |
PuCU_agg | Pure current aggregate frontiers | Cumulative area of current frontiers that does not overlap with emerging frontiers - where the value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell |
PuEM_Binary | Pure emerging frontiers (binary) | Cumulative area of emerging frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers |
PuEM_agg | Pure emerging aggregate frontiers | Cumulative area of emerging frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers - where the value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell |
PuEMxHotspots | Intersection of biodiversity hotspots and pure emerging frontiers | Area of biodiversity hotspots that falls within pure emerging frontiers |
PuEMxSOC_tonha | Intersection of soil organic carbon and pure emerging frontiers | Amount of soil organic carbon that lies within 30m depth of pure emerging frontiers |
PuEMxWDPA | Intersection of protected areas and pure emerging frontiers | Area of protected areas that falls within pure emerging frontiers |
Rs | Rapeseed | Abbreviation for Rapeseed |
SP | Sweet Potato | Abbreviation for Sweet Potato |
So | Soy | Abbreviation for Soy |
WP | White Potato | Abbreviation for White Potato |
Wh | Wheat | Abbreviation for Wheat |
Ym | Yam | Abbreviation for Yam |
International schema information
Language | Name | Description |
English | Climate Change Driven Agricultural Frontiers and Non-Frontiers |
Language-independent schema details
Attribute | Sensitive | Unit | Type | Character encoding |
% Cropland | false | Text | utf-8 | |
% Suitability | false | Text | utf-8 | |
Al | false | Text | utf-8 | |
Bn | false | Text | utf-8 | |
Br | false | Text | utf-8 | |
CE_%Crop% | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
CI_%Crop% | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
CU | false | Text | utf-8 | |
CU_%crop%_AgFr | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
CU_%crop%_NonFr | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
CU_Bin_AgFr | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
CU_Pure_NonFr | false | Numeric | utf-8 | |
Cf | false | Text | utf-8 | |
Co | false | Text | utf-8 | |
Cumul_CU_AgFr | false | Numeric | utf-8 | |
Cumul_EM_AgFr | false | Numeric | utf-8 | |
EM | false | Text | utf-8 | |
EM_%crop%_AgFr | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
EM_%crop%_NonFr | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
EM_Bin_AgFr | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
EM_Pure_NonFr | false | Numeric | utf-8 | |
FE_%Crop% | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
FI_%Crop% | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
Fm | false | Text | utf-8 | |
Fx | false | Text | utf-8 | |
Mt | false | Text | utf-8 | |
Mz | false | Text | utf-8 | |
PuCU_Binary | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
PuCU_agg | false | Numeric | utf-8 | |
PuEM_Binary | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
PuEM_agg | false | Numeric | utf-8 | |
PuEMxHotspots | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
PuEMxSOC_tonha | false | Ton per hectare | Numeric | utf-8 |
PuEMxWDPA | false | Binary | utf-8 | |
Rs | false | Text | utf-8 | |
SP | false | Text | utf-8 | |
So | false | Text | utf-8 | |
WP | false | Text | utf-8 | |
Wh | false | Text | utf-8 | |
Ym | false | Text | utf-8 |
Language-specific schema details
Attribute | Label | Description | List |
% Cropland | Percent cropland threshold | This threshold indicates the minimum amount of cropland in a cell to be considered “cropland”. It was used for a cropland layer that was not binary. Ex. 5% cropland indicates that at least 5% of each cell contains cropland. | Not a list |
% Suitability | Percent suitability threshold | This threshold indicates the minimum value of a cell to be considered “suitable”. It was used for FAO suitability data that were not binary. Ex. 5% suitability indicates that at least 5% of each cell contains suitable land for a crop. | Not a list |
Al | Alfalfa | Abbreviation for Alfalfa | Not a list |
Bn | Banana | Abbreviation for Banana | Not a list |
Br | Barley | Abbreviation for Barley | Not a list |
CE_%Crop% | Current exclusion layer | Exclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents suitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop for the current time period (2011-2040) | Not a list |
CI_%Crop% | Current inclusion layer | Inclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents suitable area for a specific crop for the current time period (2011-2040) | Not a list |
CU | Current | Time period of 2011-2040 | Not a list |
CU_%crop%_AgFr | Current single-crop agricultural frontiers | Area that is considered suitable for a certain crop in the current time period (2011-2040) and is not currently under agriculture | Not a list |
CU_%crop%_NonFr | Current single-crop agricultural non-frontiers | Area that is currently harvested for a certain crop, but will no longer be suitable in the current time period (2011-2040) | Not a list |
CU_Bin_AgFr | Current binary agricultural frontiers | Binary layer of all current frontiers | Not a list |
CU_Pure_NonFr | Pure current non-frontiers | Cumulative area of current non-frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers | Not a list |
Cf | Coffee | Abbreviation for Coffee | Not a list |
Co | Cocoa | Abbreviation for Cocoa | Not a list |
Cumul_CU_AgFr | Current cumulative agricultural frontiers | Mosaic layer of all current single-crop frontiers. Value indicates the number of crops which have a current frontier in each cell | Not a list |
Cumul_EM_AgFr | Emerging cumulative agricultural frontiers | Mosaic layer of all emerging single-crop frontiers. Value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell | Not a list |
EM | Emerging | Time period of 2071-2100 | Not a list |
EM_%crop%_AgFr | Emerging single-crop agricultural frontiers | Area that is considered suitable for a certain crop in the emerging time period (2071-2100), is not currently under agriculture, and is not suitable in the current time period (2011-2040) | Not a list |
EM_%crop%_NonFr | Emerging single-crop agricultural non-frontiers | Area that is currently harvested for a certain crop, but will no longer be suitable in the emerging time period (2071-2100) | Not a list |
EM_Bin_AgFr | Emerging binary agricultural frontiers | Binary layer of all emerging frontiers | Not a list |
EM_Pure_NonFr | Pure emerging non-frontiers | Cumulative area of emerging non-frontiers that does not overlap with any emerging frontiers | Not a list |
FE_%Crop% | Future exclusion layer | Exclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents suitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop for the emerging time period (2071-2100) | Not a list |
FI_%Crop% | Future inclusion layer | Inclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents suitable area for a specific crop for the emerging time period (2071-2100) | Not a list |
Fm | Foxtail Millet | Abbreviation for Foxtail Millet | Not a list |
Fx | :Flax | Abbreviation for Flax | Not a list |
Mt | Millet | Abbreviation for Millet | Not a list |
Mz | Maize | Abbreviation for Maize | Not a list |
PuCU_Binary | Pure current frontiers (binary) | Cumulative area of current frontiers that does not overlap with any emerging frontiers | Not a list |
PuCU_agg | Pure current aggregate frontiers | Cumulative area of current frontiers that does not overlap with emerging frontiers - where the value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell | Not a list |
PuEM_Binary | Pure emerging frontiers (binary) | Cumulative area of emerging frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers | Not a list |
PuEM_agg | Pure emerging aggregate frontiers | Cumulative area of emerging frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers - where the value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell | Not a list |
PuEMxHotspots | Intersection of biodiversity hotspots and pure emerging frontiers | Area of biodiversity hotspots that falls within pure emerging frontiers | Not a list |
PuEMxSOC_tonha | Intersection of soil organic carbon and pure emerging frontiers | Amount of soil organic carbon that lies within 30m depth of pure emerging frontiers | Not a list |
PuEMxWDPA | Intersection of protected areas and pure emerging frontiers | Area of protected areas that falls within pure emerging frontiers | Not a list |
Rs | Rapeseed | Abbreviation for Rapeseed | Not a list |
SP | Sweet Potato | Abbreviation for Sweet Potato | Not a list |
So | Soy | Abbreviation for Soy | Not a list |
WP | White Potato | Abbreviation for White Potato | Not a list |
Wh | Wheat | Abbreviation for Wheat | Not a list |
Ym | Yam | Abbreviation for Yam | Not a list |
Schema SAIDs
Capture base: Ekkq6u76WG7ZtD7AKRapn8nBENATUuuM8JYb6ecAA_Dg
Layer | SAID |
character_encoding | ECMcrPTovZwDRlLDT44eOkLKOVi1CPxWtFK9tV4HiHyw |
information (en) | EVTEuboTHOvhqaI_6KifOjbB29vBlzuvStC7f6iNCXMc |
label (en) | EtdXnbqzFoCrcZ_X8W4hiJNdvMvqusV3fd76Hhu-2jXg |
meta (en) | E9d0V20V3p0P8yqFNEx6dY6yZ8BwXVa6PJHclAPZ5Zdg |
unit | EZM5opIMTC73Rasvctq3u3QuEv4SFzypAYvS6Yya2-tY |
Date created: 2025-02-10 16:01:50