Schema information

Table of Contents

  1. Schema quick view
  2. International schema information
  3. Language-independent schema details
  4. Language-specific schema details
    1. English
  5. Schema SAIDs

Name: Climate Change Driven Agricultural Frontiers and Non-Frontiers
Author: Krishna KC
Author Email:

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Schema quick view

Attribute Label Description
% Cropland Percent cropland threshold This threshold indicates the minimum amount of cropland in a cell to be considered “cropland”. It was used for a cropland layer that was not binary. Ex. 5% cropland indicates that at least 5% of each cell contains cropland.
% Suitability Percent suitability threshold This threshold indicates the minimum value of a cell to be considered “suitable”. It was used for FAO suitability data that were not binary. Ex. 5% suitability indicates that at least 5% of each cell contains suitable land for a crop.
Al Alfalfa Abbreviation for Alfalfa
Bn Banana Abbreviation for Banana
Br Barley Abbreviation for Barley
CE_%Crop% Current exclusion layer Exclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents suitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop for the current time period (2011-2040)
CI_%Crop% Current inclusion layer Inclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents suitable area for a specific crop for the current time period (2011-2040)
CU Current Time period of 2011-2040
CU_%crop%_AgFr Current single-crop agricultural frontiers Area that is considered suitable for a certain crop in the current time period (2011-2040) and is not currently under agriculture
CU_%crop%_NonFr Current single-crop agricultural non-frontiers Area that is currently harvested for a certain crop, but will no longer be suitable in the current time period (2011-2040)
CU_Bin_AgFr Current binary agricultural frontiers Binary layer of all current frontiers
CU_Pure_NonFr Pure current non-frontiers Cumulative area of current non-frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers
Cf Coffee Abbreviation for Coffee
Co Cocoa Abbreviation for Cocoa
Cumul_CU_AgFr Current cumulative agricultural frontiers Mosaic layer of all current single-crop frontiers. Value indicates the number of crops which have a current frontier in each cell
Cumul_EM_AgFr Emerging cumulative agricultural frontiers Mosaic layer of all emerging single-crop frontiers. Value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell
EM Emerging Time period of 2071-2100
EM_%crop%_AgFr Emerging single-crop agricultural frontiers Area that is considered suitable for a certain crop in the emerging time period (2071-2100), is not currently under agriculture, and is not suitable in the current time period (2011-2040)
EM_%crop%_NonFr Emerging single-crop agricultural non-frontiers Area that is currently harvested for a certain crop, but will no longer be suitable in the emerging time period (2071-2100)
EM_Bin_AgFr Emerging binary agricultural frontiers Binary layer of all emerging frontiers
EM_Pure_NonFr Pure emerging non-frontiers Cumulative area of emerging non-frontiers that does not overlap with any emerging frontiers
FE_%Crop% Future exclusion layer Exclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents suitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop for the emerging time period (2071-2100)
FI_%Crop% Future inclusion layer Inclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents suitable area for a specific crop for the emerging time period (2071-2100)
Fm Foxtail Millet Abbreviation for Foxtail Millet
Fx :Flax Abbreviation for Flax
Mt Millet Abbreviation for Millet
Mz Maize Abbreviation for Maize
PuCU_Binary Pure current frontiers (binary) Cumulative area of current frontiers that does not overlap with any emerging frontiers
PuCU_agg Pure current aggregate frontiers Cumulative area of current frontiers that does not overlap with emerging frontiers - where the value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell
PuEM_Binary Pure emerging frontiers (binary) Cumulative area of emerging frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers
PuEM_agg Pure emerging aggregate frontiers Cumulative area of emerging frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers - where the value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell
PuEMxHotspots Intersection of biodiversity hotspots and pure emerging frontiers Area of biodiversity hotspots that falls within pure emerging frontiers
PuEMxSOC_tonha Intersection of soil organic carbon and pure emerging frontiers Amount of soil organic carbon that lies within 30m depth of pure emerging frontiers
PuEMxWDPA Intersection of protected areas and pure emerging frontiers Area of protected areas that falls within pure emerging frontiers
Rs Rapeseed Abbreviation for Rapeseed
SP Sweet Potato Abbreviation for Sweet Potato
So Soy Abbreviation for Soy
WP White Potato Abbreviation for White Potato
Wh Wheat Abbreviation for Wheat
Ym Yam Abbreviation for Yam

International schema information

Language Name Description
English Climate Change Driven Agricultural Frontiers and Non-Frontiers  

Language-independent schema details

Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding
% Cropland false   Text utf-8
% Suitability false   Text utf-8
Al false   Text utf-8
Bn false   Text utf-8
Br false   Text utf-8
CE_%Crop% false   Binary utf-8
CI_%Crop% false   Binary utf-8
CU false   Text utf-8
CU_%crop%_AgFr false   Binary utf-8
CU_%crop%_NonFr false   Binary utf-8
CU_Bin_AgFr false   Binary utf-8
CU_Pure_NonFr false   Numeric utf-8
Cf false   Text utf-8
Co false   Text utf-8
Cumul_CU_AgFr false   Numeric utf-8
Cumul_EM_AgFr false   Numeric utf-8
EM false   Text utf-8
EM_%crop%_AgFr false   Binary utf-8
EM_%crop%_NonFr false   Binary utf-8
EM_Bin_AgFr false   Binary utf-8
EM_Pure_NonFr false   Numeric utf-8
FE_%Crop% false   Binary utf-8
FI_%Crop% false   Binary utf-8
Fm false   Text utf-8
Fx false   Text utf-8
Mt false   Text utf-8
Mz false   Text utf-8
PuCU_Binary false   Binary utf-8
PuCU_agg false   Numeric utf-8
PuEM_Binary false   Binary utf-8
PuEM_agg false   Numeric utf-8
PuEMxHotspots false   Binary utf-8
PuEMxSOC_tonha false Ton per hectare Numeric utf-8
PuEMxWDPA false   Binary utf-8
Rs false   Text utf-8
SP false   Text utf-8
So false   Text utf-8
WP false   Text utf-8
Wh false   Text utf-8
Ym false   Text utf-8

Language-specific schema details


Attribute Label Description List
% Cropland Percent cropland threshold This threshold indicates the minimum amount of cropland in a cell to be considered “cropland”. It was used for a cropland layer that was not binary. Ex. 5% cropland indicates that at least 5% of each cell contains cropland. Not a list
% Suitability Percent suitability threshold This threshold indicates the minimum value of a cell to be considered “suitable”. It was used for FAO suitability data that were not binary. Ex. 5% suitability indicates that at least 5% of each cell contains suitable land for a crop. Not a list
Al Alfalfa Abbreviation for Alfalfa Not a list
Bn Banana Abbreviation for Banana Not a list
Br Barley Abbreviation for Barley Not a list
CE_%Crop% Current exclusion layer Exclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents suitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop for the current time period (2011-2040) Not a list
CI_%Crop% Current inclusion layer Inclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents suitable area for a specific crop for the current time period (2011-2040) Not a list
CU Current Time period of 2011-2040 Not a list
CU_%crop%_AgFr Current single-crop agricultural frontiers Area that is considered suitable for a certain crop in the current time period (2011-2040) and is not currently under agriculture Not a list
CU_%crop%_NonFr Current single-crop agricultural non-frontiers Area that is currently harvested for a certain crop, but will no longer be suitable in the current time period (2011-2040) Not a list
CU_Bin_AgFr Current binary agricultural frontiers Binary layer of all current frontiers Not a list
CU_Pure_NonFr Pure current non-frontiers Cumulative area of current non-frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers Not a list
Cf Coffee Abbreviation for Coffee Not a list
Co Cocoa Abbreviation for Cocoa Not a list
Cumul_CU_AgFr Current cumulative agricultural frontiers Mosaic layer of all current single-crop frontiers. Value indicates the number of crops which have a current frontier in each cell Not a list
Cumul_EM_AgFr Emerging cumulative agricultural frontiers Mosaic layer of all emerging single-crop frontiers. Value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell Not a list
EM Emerging Time period of 2071-2100 Not a list
EM_%crop%_AgFr Emerging single-crop agricultural frontiers Area that is considered suitable for a certain crop in the emerging time period (2071-2100), is not currently under agriculture, and is not suitable in the current time period (2011-2040) Not a list
EM_%crop%_NonFr Emerging single-crop agricultural non-frontiers Area that is currently harvested for a certain crop, but will no longer be suitable in the emerging time period (2071-2100) Not a list
EM_Bin_AgFr Emerging binary agricultural frontiers Binary layer of all emerging frontiers Not a list
EM_Pure_NonFr Pure emerging non-frontiers Cumulative area of emerging non-frontiers that does not overlap with any emerging frontiers Not a list
FE_%Crop% Future exclusion layer Exclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents suitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop for the emerging time period (2071-2100) Not a list
FI_%Crop% Future inclusion layer Inclusion layer used in the frontier model - where 0 represents unsuitable area for a specific crop, and 1 represents suitable area for a specific crop for the emerging time period (2071-2100) Not a list
Fm Foxtail Millet Abbreviation for Foxtail Millet Not a list
Fx :Flax Abbreviation for Flax Not a list
Mt Millet Abbreviation for Millet Not a list
Mz Maize Abbreviation for Maize Not a list
PuCU_Binary Pure current frontiers (binary) Cumulative area of current frontiers that does not overlap with any emerging frontiers Not a list
PuCU_agg Pure current aggregate frontiers Cumulative area of current frontiers that does not overlap with emerging frontiers - where the value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell Not a list
PuEM_Binary Pure emerging frontiers (binary) Cumulative area of emerging frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers Not a list
PuEM_agg Pure emerging aggregate frontiers Cumulative area of emerging frontiers that does not overlap with any current frontiers - where the value indicates the number of crops which have an emerging frontier in each cell Not a list
PuEMxHotspots Intersection of biodiversity hotspots and pure emerging frontiers Area of biodiversity hotspots that falls within pure emerging frontiers Not a list
PuEMxSOC_tonha Intersection of soil organic carbon and pure emerging frontiers Amount of soil organic carbon that lies within 30m depth of pure emerging frontiers Not a list
PuEMxWDPA Intersection of protected areas and pure emerging frontiers Area of protected areas that falls within pure emerging frontiers Not a list
Rs Rapeseed Abbreviation for Rapeseed Not a list
SP Sweet Potato Abbreviation for Sweet Potato Not a list
So Soy Abbreviation for Soy Not a list
WP White Potato Abbreviation for White Potato Not a list
Wh Wheat Abbreviation for Wheat Not a list
Ym Yam Abbreviation for Yam Not a list

Schema SAIDs

Capture base: Ekkq6u76WG7ZtD7AKRapn8nBENATUuuM8JYb6ecAA_Dg

Layer SAID
character_encoding ECMcrPTovZwDRlLDT44eOkLKOVi1CPxWtFK9tV4HiHyw
information (en) EVTEuboTHOvhqaI_6KifOjbB29vBlzuvStC7f6iNCXMc
label (en) EtdXnbqzFoCrcZ_X8W4hiJNdvMvqusV3fd76Hhu-2jXg
meta (en) E9d0V20V3p0P8yqFNEx6dY6yZ8BwXVa6PJHclAPZ5Zdg
unit EZM5opIMTC73Rasvctq3u3QuEv4SFzypAYvS6Yya2-tY

Date created: 2025-02-10 16:01:50