Schema information

Table of Contents

  1. Schema quick view
  2. International schema information
  3. Language-independent schema details
  4. Language-specific schema details
    1. English
  5. Schema SAIDs

Name: Dairy Cow Energy Balance
Description: Automatically collected daily dairy cow data to estimate energy balance
Classification: RDF402
Author: John Cant
Author Email:

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Schema quick view

Attribute Label Description
BCS BCS body condition score on a 5-point scale
BW_raw BW_raw raw bodyweight recorded by scale
BW_smooth BW_smooth bodyweight smoothed by algorithm of choice
CH4_g/d CH4_g/d total exhaled CH4 output for the day
CO2_g/d CO2_g/d total respiratory CO2 output for the day
CowID CowID unique cow identifying number
DEI_Mcal/d DEI_Mcal/d digestible energy intake for the day
DIM DIM number of days-in-milk of the cow at the time of measurement
DMI_total DMI_total total dry matter intake for the day
EBal_Mcal/d EBal_Mcal/d energy balance of the cow for the day
HP_GreenFeed HP_GreenFeed heat production for the day according to GreenFeed measurements
MEI_Mcal/d MEI_Mcal/d metabolizable energy intake for the day
NEI_Mcal/d NEI_Mcal/d net energy intake for the day
NE_milk NE_milk milk energy output for the day
O2_g/d O2_g/d total respiratory O2 consumption for the day
PMRintake_asfed PMRintake_asfed intake of partial mixed ration for the 24-hour day, as fed
PMRintake_dry PMRintake_dry intake of partial mixed ration for the 24-hour day, dry matter
RE_Mcal/d RE_Mcal/d energy recovered in milk and body for the day
chgBW_raw chgBW_raw raw bodyweight change since previous day
chgBW_smooth chgBW_smooth smoothed bodyweight change since previous day
date date year month and day of measurement
milkfat_pct milkfat_pct fat content of the milk
milkfat_yld_g/d milkfat_yld_g/d milk fat yield for the day
milklac_pct milklac_pct lactose content of the milk
milklac_yld_g/d milklac_yld_g/d milk lactose yield for the day
milkprt_pct milkprt_pct protein content of the milk
milkprt_yld_g/d milkprt_yld_g/d milk protein yield for the day
milkyld milkyld milk yield for the 24-hour day
parity parity lactation number of the cow
pelletdrops_num pelletdrops_num number of drops of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day
pelletintake_asfed pelletintake_asfed intake of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day, as fed
pelletintake_dry pelletintake_dry intake of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day, dry

International schema information

Language Name Description
English dairy cow energy balance Automatically collected daily dairy cow data to estimate energy balance

Language-independent schema details

Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding Format rule
BCS false 1 - 5 Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
BW_raw false kg Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
BW_smooth false kg Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
CH4_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
CO2_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
CowID true   Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
DEI_Mcal/d false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
DIM false   Numeric utf-8 ^-?[0-9]+$
DMI_total false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
EBal_Mcal/d false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
HP_GreenFeed false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
MEI_Mcal/d false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
NEI_Mcal/d false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
NE_milk false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
O2_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
PMRintake_asfed false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
PMRintake_dry false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
RE_Mcal/d false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
chgBW_raw false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
chgBW_smooth false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
date false   DateTime utf-8 ^(\d{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])$
milkfat_pct false % Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
milkfat_yld_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
milklac_pct false % Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
milklac_yld_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
milkprt_pct false % Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
milkprt_yld_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
milkyld false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
parity false   Numeric utf-8 ^-?[0-9]+$
pelletdrops_num false   Numeric utf-8 ^-?[0-9]+$
pelletintake_asfed false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
pelletintake_dry false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$

Language-specific schema details


Attribute Label Description List
BCS BCS body condition score on a 5-point scale Not a list
BW_raw BW_raw raw bodyweight recorded by scale Not a list
BW_smooth BW_smooth bodyweight smoothed by algorithm of choice Not a list
CH4_g/d CH4_g/d total exhaled CH4 output for the day Not a list
CO2_g/d CO2_g/d total respiratory CO2 output for the day Not a list
CowID CowID unique cow identifying number Not a list
DEI_Mcal/d DEI_Mcal/d digestible energy intake for the day Not a list
DIM DIM number of days-in-milk of the cow at the time of measurement Not a list
DMI_total DMI_total total dry matter intake for the day Not a list
EBal_Mcal/d EBal_Mcal/d energy balance of the cow for the day Not a list
HP_GreenFeed HP_GreenFeed heat production for the day according to GreenFeed measurements Not a list
MEI_Mcal/d MEI_Mcal/d metabolizable energy intake for the day Not a list
NEI_Mcal/d NEI_Mcal/d net energy intake for the day Not a list
NE_milk NE_milk milk energy output for the day Not a list
O2_g/d O2_g/d total respiratory O2 consumption for the day Not a list
PMRintake_asfed PMRintake_asfed intake of partial mixed ration for the 24-hour day, as fed Not a list
PMRintake_dry PMRintake_dry intake of partial mixed ration for the 24-hour day, dry matter Not a list
RE_Mcal/d RE_Mcal/d energy recovered in milk and body for the day Not a list
chgBW_raw chgBW_raw raw bodyweight change since previous day Not a list
chgBW_smooth chgBW_smooth smoothed bodyweight change since previous day Not a list
date date year month and day of measurement Not a list
milkfat_pct milkfat_pct fat content of the milk Not a list
milkfat_yld_g/d milkfat_yld_g/d milk fat yield for the day Not a list
milklac_pct milklac_pct lactose content of the milk Not a list
milklac_yld_g/d milklac_yld_g/d milk lactose yield for the day Not a list
milkprt_pct milkprt_pct protein content of the milk Not a list
milkprt_yld_g/d milkprt_yld_g/d milk protein yield for the day Not a list
milkyld milkyld milk yield for the 24-hour day Not a list
parity parity lactation number of the cow Not a list
pelletdrops_num pelletdrops_num number of drops of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day Not a list
pelletintake_asfed pelletintake_asfed intake of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day, as fed Not a list
pelletintake_dry pelletintake_dry intake of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day, dry Not a list

Schema SAIDs

Capture base: EFBHkqwnrqooS6WjzihH1E7J9uoitRxCDmz0d3GsiPs4

Layer SAID
character_encoding Eh9LLP26xMpiBPo_xmUo-Ry-f8pHnGm27vFQBrAtFRwI
format EiD5O_5asr8jbP0j4M8gMRlVE6ou9H4kfVdA9bXiKqow
information (en) EZdjoW08mZa9exqSCc3-jiHbCWf9gWgCAuYy55-0jM-Y
label (en) EdX0V-UmaiSTMo2Z_VgWKdbm2okio1DtxbzeSVfTZc2s
meta (en) E-yUp_vbgbN9RgiUwD6xIilcsprCv–4w5yfyfalJ27Q
unit EDya1qbNcqVh2dB4j8dGilYqnd5Ez7jALdXg3qIE7tC0

Date created: 2025-02-11 10:50:24