Table of Contents Schema quick view International schema information Language-independent schema details Language-specific schema details English Schema SAIDs Name : Dairy Cow Energy Balance Description : Automatically collected daily dairy cow data to estimate energy balance Classification : RDF402 Author : John Cant Author Email :
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Schema quick view Attribute Label Description BCS BCS body condition score on a 5-point scale BW_raw BW_raw raw bodyweight recorded by scale BW_smooth BW_smooth bodyweight smoothed by algorithm of choice CH4_g/d CH4_g/d total exhaled CH4 output for the day CO2_g/d CO2_g/d total respiratory CO2 output for the day CowID CowID unique cow identifying number DEI_Mcal/d DEI_Mcal/d digestible energy intake for the day DIM DIM number of days-in-milk of the cow at the time of measurement DMI_total DMI_total total dry matter intake for the day EBal_Mcal/d EBal_Mcal/d energy balance of the cow for the day HP_GreenFeed HP_GreenFeed heat production for the day according to GreenFeed measurements MEI_Mcal/d MEI_Mcal/d metabolizable energy intake for the day NEI_Mcal/d NEI_Mcal/d net energy intake for the day NE_milk NE_milk milk energy output for the day O2_g/d O2_g/d total respiratory O2 consumption for the day PMRintake_asfed PMRintake_asfed intake of partial mixed ration for the 24-hour day, as fed PMRintake_dry PMRintake_dry intake of partial mixed ration for the 24-hour day, dry matter RE_Mcal/d RE_Mcal/d energy recovered in milk and body for the day chgBW_raw chgBW_raw raw bodyweight change since previous day chgBW_smooth chgBW_smooth smoothed bodyweight change since previous day date date year month and day of measurement milkfat_pct milkfat_pct fat content of the milk milkfat_yld_g/d milkfat_yld_g/d milk fat yield for the day milklac_pct milklac_pct lactose content of the milk milklac_yld_g/d milklac_yld_g/d milk lactose yield for the day milkprt_pct milkprt_pct protein content of the milk milkprt_yld_g/d milkprt_yld_g/d milk protein yield for the day milkyld milkyld milk yield for the 24-hour day parity parity lactation number of the cow pelletdrops_num pelletdrops_num number of drops of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day pelletintake_asfed pelletintake_asfed intake of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day, as fed pelletintake_dry pelletintake_dry intake of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day, dry
Language Name Description English dairy cow energy balance Automatically collected daily dairy cow data to estimate energy balance
Language-independent schema details Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding Format rule BCS false 1 - 5 Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ BW_raw false kg Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ BW_smooth false kg Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ CH4_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ CO2_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ CowID true Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ DEI_Mcal/d false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ DIM false Numeric utf-8 ^-?[0-9]+$ DMI_total false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ EBal_Mcal/d false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ HP_GreenFeed false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ MEI_Mcal/d false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ NEI_Mcal/d false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ NE_milk false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ O2_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ PMRintake_asfed false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ PMRintake_dry false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ RE_Mcal/d false Mcal/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ chgBW_raw false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ chgBW_smooth false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ date false DateTime utf-8 ^(\d{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])$ milkfat_pct false % Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ milkfat_yld_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ milklac_pct false % Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ milklac_yld_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ milkprt_pct false % Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ milkprt_yld_g/d false g/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ milkyld false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ parity false Numeric utf-8 ^-?[0-9]+$ pelletdrops_num false Numeric utf-8 ^-?[0-9]+$ pelletintake_asfed false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$ pelletintake_dry false kg/d Numeric utf-8 ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$
Language-specific schema details English Attribute Label Description List BCS BCS body condition score on a 5-point scale Not a list BW_raw BW_raw raw bodyweight recorded by scale Not a list BW_smooth BW_smooth bodyweight smoothed by algorithm of choice Not a list CH4_g/d CH4_g/d total exhaled CH4 output for the day Not a list CO2_g/d CO2_g/d total respiratory CO2 output for the day Not a list CowID CowID unique cow identifying number Not a list DEI_Mcal/d DEI_Mcal/d digestible energy intake for the day Not a list DIM DIM number of days-in-milk of the cow at the time of measurement Not a list DMI_total DMI_total total dry matter intake for the day Not a list EBal_Mcal/d EBal_Mcal/d energy balance of the cow for the day Not a list HP_GreenFeed HP_GreenFeed heat production for the day according to GreenFeed measurements Not a list MEI_Mcal/d MEI_Mcal/d metabolizable energy intake for the day Not a list NEI_Mcal/d NEI_Mcal/d net energy intake for the day Not a list NE_milk NE_milk milk energy output for the day Not a list O2_g/d O2_g/d total respiratory O2 consumption for the day Not a list PMRintake_asfed PMRintake_asfed intake of partial mixed ration for the 24-hour day, as fed Not a list PMRintake_dry PMRintake_dry intake of partial mixed ration for the 24-hour day, dry matter Not a list RE_Mcal/d RE_Mcal/d energy recovered in milk and body for the day Not a list chgBW_raw chgBW_raw raw bodyweight change since previous day Not a list chgBW_smooth chgBW_smooth smoothed bodyweight change since previous day Not a list date date year month and day of measurement Not a list milkfat_pct milkfat_pct fat content of the milk Not a list milkfat_yld_g/d milkfat_yld_g/d milk fat yield for the day Not a list milklac_pct milklac_pct lactose content of the milk Not a list milklac_yld_g/d milklac_yld_g/d milk lactose yield for the day Not a list milkprt_pct milkprt_pct protein content of the milk Not a list milkprt_yld_g/d milkprt_yld_g/d milk protein yield for the day Not a list milkyld milkyld milk yield for the 24-hour day Not a list parity parity lactation number of the cow Not a list pelletdrops_num pelletdrops_num number of drops of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day Not a list pelletintake_asfed pelletintake_asfed intake of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day, as fed Not a list pelletintake_dry pelletintake_dry intake of pellet from GreenFeed system for the day, dry Not a list
Schema SAIDs Capture base : EFBHkqwnrqooS6WjzihH1E7J9uoitRxCDmz0d3GsiPs4
Layer SAID character_encoding Eh9LLP26xMpiBPo_xmUo-Ry-f8pHnGm27vFQBrAtFRwI format EiD5O_5asr8jbP0j4M8gMRlVE6ou9H4kfVdA9bXiKqow information (en) EZdjoW08mZa9exqSCc3-jiHbCWf9gWgCAuYy55-0jM-Y label (en) EdX0V-UmaiSTMo2Z_VgWKdbm2okio1DtxbzeSVfTZc2s meta (en) E-yUp_vbgbN9RgiUwD6xIilcsprCv–4w5yfyfalJ27Q unit EDya1qbNcqVh2dB4j8dGilYqnd5Ez7jALdXg3qIE7tC0
Date created : 2025-02-11 10:50:24